Epsilon Consultants (IOM) limited Your energy is our business!
Toll free phone:441624677278 Phone:441624677278
7 Heather Lane IM2 7EF Douglas
United Kingdom
Epsilon are independent consultants providing specialist advice to the Hotel and Hospitality sector on how to save on energy overheads. We have no affiliation to manufacturers or suppliers of equipment.
Hotels rank among the top five energy users in any building sector. A recent European assessment of energy conservation in southern European hotels revealed a potential for 25 - 30 per cent energy savings, especially in hotels with high annual energy consumption. The study showed that cost savings of 15 - 20 per cent for heating, 5 - 30 per cent for cooling, 40 - 70 per cent for hot water and 7 - 60 per cent for lighting are achievable across the sector.
Epsilon recently completed a study http://issuu.com/mikeglanfield/docs/trigeneration-study which showed how 500kw of FREE cooling may be created from the WASTE heat presently being paid for and then thrown away. Investment costs were shown to be recovered in just 2 years.
Our company video at www.epsiloniom.com gives a snapshot of our business but we would love to tell you more. Get in touch now for a FREE no-obligation estimate of what your business might be able to save.
Contact: +44 624 677278 info@epsiloniom.com http://www.epsiloniom.com